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Where to Begin? Or, put differently: Where to Enter The Hermeneutic?

To Enter The Hermeneutic
Where to enter The Hermeneutic? That is the question this muser muses upon, all the while knowing that such a question can only lead to its own unique hermeneutic circle. A structure with no pre-defined beginning. Or finish. Composed only of proceeding.
And so, this muser proceeds upon the path of a musing, a path with no beginning, no continuing, no ending. Or to say differently, a path with no entry point, no sequence of proceeding points, no exit point. Which of course raises the question of how one can enter upon a path, proceed upon a path, exit a path if there are no points associated with a path providing for such activities? This muser chooses, freely, of the muser’s own free will to ignore this question. Instead, this muser assumes that once the other questions as to when to enter, why to enter, who to enter, what to enter, where to enter, and how to enter, than the other question becomes moot.
Assertion: To enter The Hermeneutic is to enter The Real. Or, put differently, is to enter The All. Put again differently, to enter The Hermeneutic is to take the Real (the All) as subject for a being’s understanding apparatus.
Assuming certain definitions of the terms “The Hermeneutic”, “The Real”, and “The All”, of course.
These certain definitions, given below, form a set of axioms, pre-existing conditions that this muser chooses to accept as the rules which this unique hermeneutic circle shall take as its unproved, unprovable base logic principles.
And so, this muser poses the axioms of this muser’s musing:
 The Hermeneutic

o The medium in which a being’s understanding apparatus is immersed, giving a being substance to take as the focus of the being’s understanding apparatus

 Open question: is the being whose understanding apparatus is in play a part of the set which is The Hermeneutic?
 Put differently, is the being’s own self a proper subject of the being’s understanding apparatus? Including that being’s understanding apparatus.

 The Real

o That which existed, does exist or will exist that is not God

 The All

o That which existed, does exist, or will exist that is the set which is God unioned with the set that is not God